iOM Olympiad Exam for Class 8

Silvezone conducts iOM Olympiad for Class 8 students to test their knowledge in math.

iOM Class 8 Olympiad Exam Syllabus and Pattern:

Unit Chapters No. of Questions Marks Total Marks
Number Systems Rational Numbers
Square and Square Root
Cube and Cube Root
5 2.25 11.25
Algebra and Geometry Algebraic Expression
Linear Equation
Convex and Concave polygon
5 2.25 11.25
Comparing Quantities Direct and inverse proportions
Time and Work
Speed and Distance
Profit and Loss
Compound Interest and Simple Interest
7 2.25 15.75
Mensuration Surface area and volume of Cube
Cuboid and Cylinder
3 2.25 6.75
Data Handling Frequency distribution
Line graph
Bar graph
Histogram and Pie Chart
3 2.25 6.75
Sets Operation on Sets and Venn Diagrams 1 2.25 2.25
Reasoning and Aptitude Reasoning and Aptitude 8 2.75 22
Scholar’s Zone Scholar’s Zone 8 3 24

About SilverZone Foundation

SilverZone foundation is an NGO that focuses on promoting competitive awareness among the students at school, national and global levels. SilverZone foundation conducts Olympiad exams that will improve the norm of proficiency among younger students. Along with this, it also urges the young talents to boost up their knowledge.

SilverZone foundation takes the Olympiad exam from class 1st to 12th, and the student's performance is recognized depending on the levels. Those students who get qualified for the level 1 exam will be eligible to give the Level 2 exam. The students who score the first rank in the Level 2 exam will get the opportunity to go for the Level 3 exam. All the outstanding students will get recognition in different forms like medals, trophies, and certificates.

Silverzone International Olympiad on Mathematics(iOM) Olympiad Exam Prize & Awards


Rank Award
1st & 2nd Top 2 students of the 3rd level participants will be sent for educational excursion to NASA.

Level 3 will be conducted in the month of May/June 2022 at New Delhi.


Rank Award
1st Olympiad 1st rank holder of class 12th will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 75,000/- along with a Winner’s Trophy and Olympiad 1st rank holder of class 11th will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- along with a Winner’s Trophy.
1st 1st Olympiad rank holder from classes 1st to 10th will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
2nd 2nd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 15,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
3rd 3rd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
1st, 2nd 3rd All zonal Rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of all classes will be awarded with exciting prizes (minimum 50% marks).
All All participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).

All the participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).

For up to 10 students getting same rank, award amount will be distributed equally. In addition, each winner will be awarded a Trophy in the applicable category and Certificate

In case 11 & more students get same rank, in lieu of cash award, each winner will be awarded with exciting prize + a medal ( in the applicable category) and a Certificate.


Rank Award
1st, 2nd 3rd Class Topper 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of every class of each school will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively, provided the topper obtains at least 50% marks.
4th to 10th 4th to 10th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with wrist watches.
11th to 25th 11th to 25th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with exciting prizes.
26th to 500th 26th to 500th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with the topper achievement certificate.
All All participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC) and Descriptive Assessment Report.

Each winner will be entitled to one award for an exam. The winners will be entitled to the higher level award only. For eg, the international top 3 rank holders will be entitled to awards based on their International ranks. Awards accruing to them for their Zonal ranks will be given to the next rank holder. Similarly, class award accruing to a Zonal award winner will be given to the next rank holder