Learn Class 2 English - Synonyms and Antonyms

It can be tough to throw synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms into the mix when children are just learning to build up their vocabulary. Yet, they're not only fascinating, they're paramount.

There are plenty of ways to sprinkle examples of antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms for kids into their everyday activities. Let's start with some basic definitions.


Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning.

Synonyms Examples

Synonyms provide variety in our speech or writing. It's important to expose kids to various sets of synonyms, so they can learn to avoid repetition. Here are some examples to get them started:

  • Afraid, scared, frightened
  • Automobile, car, vehicle
  • Big, large, huge
  • Blank, empty, hollow
  • Bunny, rabbit, hare
  • Cap, hat
  • Center, middle, inside
  • Couch, sofa, divan
  • Evil, bad, wicked
  • Famous, well-known
  • Father, dad, daddy
  • Funny, silly, playful, crazy
  • Garbage, trash, junk, waste
  • Gloomy, sad, unhappy
  • Happy, glad, joyful, cheerful
  • Hide, cover
  • House, home
  • Ill, sick, unwell
  • Idea, thought
  • Jog, run
  • Listen, hear
  • Little, small, tiny
  • Look, see, glance, stare
  • Mad, angry, furious
  • Mother, mom, mommy
  • Neat, tidy, clean
  • Present, gift, reward, award
  • Quick, fast, swift
  • Quiet, calm
  • Rest, relax
  • Rock, stone
  • Rug, carpet, mat
  • Sack, bag, backpack
  • Sniff, smell, inhale
  • Strange, odd, weird
  • Tall, high, big
  • True, right, correct
  • Under, below, beneath
  • Woman, lady, female
  • Yell, shout, scream


Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

Antonyms Examples

Kids can use antonyms to show contrast between two things or emphasize a point. They can also use them to explain exactly how they feel. Here are some examples:

  • Add - Subtract
  • Above - Below
  • After - Before
  • Awake - Asleep
  • Bad - Good
  • Better - Worse
  • Big - Little
  • Birth - Death
  • Boy - Girl
  • Clean - Dirty
  • Close - Open
  • Cold - Hot
  • End - Begin
  • Dark - Light
  • Day - Night
  • Even - Odd
  • Fail - Pass
  • False - True
  • Float - Sink
  • East - West
  • Fat - Skinny
  • Hungry - Full
  • Gentle - Rough
  • Happy - Sad
  • Hard - Soft
  • Heavy - Light
  • High - Low
  • In - Out
  • Last - First
  • Laugh - Cry
  • Learn - Teach
  • Less - More
  • Lie - Truth
  • Long - Short
  • Loose - Tight
  • Lost - Found
  • Love - Hate
  • North - South
  • On - Off
  • Over - Under
  • Play - Work
  • Polite - Rude
  • Poor - Rich
  • Present - Absent
  • Top - Bottom
  • Quick - Slow
  • Raise - Lower
  • Right - Wrong
  • Rise - Sink
  • Rough - Smooth
  • Same - Different
  • Sell - Buy
  • Short - Long
  • Sour - Sweet
  • Start - Stop
  • Stay - Leave
  • Stop - Go
  • Strong - Weak
  • Teacher - Student
  • Tidy - Messy
  • True - False
  • Ugly - Beautiful
  • Up - Down
  • White - Black
  • Wild - Tame
  • Win - Lose
  • Well - Sick
  • Wet - Dry
  • Young - Old

Learning Videos for 2nd Grade English - Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms Sample Questions for Class 2

Question 1

Choose the antonym of the word in quotes. My mother served "hot" pasta.
A. instant
B. healthy
C. fresh
D. cold

Question 2

Choose the best antonym for the given word : Worst
A. Best
B. Bored
C. Weird
D. Accept

Question 3

Choose the best antonym for the given word : Danger
A. Dark
B. Dull
C. Bright
D. Safety

Question 4

Choose the antonym of the word in quotes.        Neha was wearing a "similar" dress for the party.
A. new
B. different
C. old
D. stylish

Question 5

Choose the antonym of the word in quotes.        My mother came to cheer me in the "end".
A. finish
B. middle
C. last
D. beginning