Learn Class 5 General Knowledge - Plants and Animals

Plants and Animals Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

Which of the following animal's young one doesn't look like adult ?
A. Frog
B. Rabbit
C. Lion
D. Snake

Question 2

Some animals go for long summer sleep to save water. It is called as __________.
A. Hibernation
B. Aestivation
C. Camouflage
D. None of the above

Question 3

Which of the following animals move with the help of scales and muscles?
A. Lizard
B. Crocodile
C. Snake
D. All of the above.

Question 4

Which of the following animal doesnot have streamlined body?
A. Dolphin
B. Eagle
C. Snakes
D. Octopus

Question 5

Some animals camouflage for _________
A. To protect from enemies
B. To hunt prey
C. A and B
D. None of the above