Learn Class 1 English - Words and their Opposites

There are several alphabets in English that you use to form a sentence or word in your daily life. Apart from words and its exact meaning, every class 1 kid should also understand the words, and it’s opposite meanings.

This is because both concepts are equally important to be understood by each child. Let us discuss in detail the word and its opposite meaning.

Words and their opposites

In our day-to-day routine, you must have to get familiar with several words and their actual meaning. Now, in this paragraph, we will discuss some simple words and their opposite meanings, which is equally important for every kid.

The pair of some simple words that have opposite meanings are commonly known as opposites. Every word has two meanings, i.e., one has an exact meaning, and the other has its opposite meaning. Here we will discuss the opposite meanings of some simple words.

  • Laugh – cry
  • Sad – happy
  • Appreciate – insult
  • Bye – Hi
  • Night - day
  • Open – Close

From the above paragraph, we have learned about some simple words and the opposite meanings that you speak in your day-to-day life. These are really basic and simple things, which you can easily learn if you relate them to your daily life.

For example, suppose, your mother told you to turn on the light and after a few hours she told you to turn off the light. In this single conversation, you have covered both exact and opposite meanings of the simple word.

Learning Videos for 1st Grade English - Words and their Opposites

Words and their Opposites Sample Questions for Class 1

Question 1

What is the Antonym of 'begin'?
A. push
B. end
C. go
D. south

Question 2

What is the Antonym of 'new'?
A. woman
B. right
C. old
D. big

Question 3

What is the Antonym of 'dry '?
A. cold
B. wet
C. push
D. sit

Question 4

What is the Antonym of 'rough'?
A. wide
B. below
C. run
D. smooth

Question 5

What is the Antonym of 'in'?
A. low
B. south
C. bad
D. out