Learn Class 5 English - Homonyms and homophones

Homophones and homonyms often make class 5 students quite confused, and at certain times they aren't able to find out the difference. The knowledge of Homophones and homonyms is vital for class 5 students preparing for the English Olympiad.

The child often gets questions related to Homonyms and homophones for class 5, which confuse them. So learning the difference between them is essential. The list of Homophones/homonyms is entirely used in daily conversations, and the list contains 400+ homophone words.

What are homonyms?

The world homonym is derived from the prefix homo, which means same, and nym, which means name. These words sound similar but have different meanings. Homonyms' words have the exact spelling, but their meanings are quite different. These words are described as homonyms.

List of homonyms

  1. Bark (covering of tree)/ bark (dog’s noise)
  2. Bat (flying mammal)/bat (a wooden stick used to hit a ball)
  3. Can (a steel cylinder)/ can (something is able is do)
  4. Ring (a piece of jewelry)/ ring (phone sound)
  5. Tire (vehicle wheel)/ tire (exhausted)

What are homophones?

Two or more words that sound like a name but have different meanings and spelling are called homophones, for example, berth/birth. If the class 5 students pronounce these words, they will find similarities, but when they check the spelling, they'll know the difference.

List of homophones

  1. Alter/Altar
  2. Do (to complete) /Due (things required at a certain time)
  3. Plain( infancy) /plan (flying vehicle)
  4. Know (to understand)/ no (to reject or opposite of yes)
  5. Poor (less money)/pour (to transfer liquid from one container)

Homonyms and homophones Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: ____ preparing dinner, I need to do some laundry.
A. Beside
B. Biside
C. Besides
D. Side

Question 2

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: It took me almost an______ to get to this place.
A. Our
B. Hour
C. Are
D. Ours

Question 3

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: He said, "_____" and left the room.
A. Buy
B. By
C. Bye
D. Bi

Question 4

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: Mary asked everyone to ______ a scary mask to the party.
A. Where
B. Were
C. Wier
D. Wear

Question 5

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: _____ for Monday, I am free every day to attend the class.
A. Accept
B. Excess
C. Adapt
D. Except