Learn Class 5 English - Nouns

Nouns Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

What type of noun does the portion in quotation marks of the following sentence represent? A "herd of elephants" was going towards the lake.
A. Proper Noun
B. Abstract Noun
C. Collective Noun
D. Possessive Noun

Question 2

Find the plural form of the noun in quotation marks. Our organization will educate "woman" about the importance of healthy diet.
A. womans
B. womanes
C. women
D. correct as it is

Question 3

What type of noun does the portion in quotation marks of the following sentence represent? I borrowed the book "Because of Winn Dixie" from my friend Milan.
A. Common
B. Abstract
C. Collective
D. Proper

Question 4

Find the plural form of the noun in quotation marks. I saw four "deer" in my backyard.
A. deers
B. deeres
C. deeries
D. correct as it is

Question 5

Find the plural form of the noun in quotation marks. She tried to comfort both "baby" by giving them the pacifiers.
A. babyies
B. babies
C. babys
D. correct as it is