Learn Class 2 General Knowledge - Language and Literature

Language and Literature Sample Questions for Class 2

Question 1

Identify the famous author in the picture.
A. Ruskin Bond
B. Rudyard Kipling
C. Charles Dickens
D. William Shakespeare

Question 2

Rearrange the word " Tale " to make another meaningful word.
A. Ate
B. Late
C. Tall
D. Eat

Question 3

A group of bees is called ______
A. Army
B. Herd
C. Hive
D. Nest

Question 4

The sentence given is with incorrect punctuations. néw delhi is the capital of india Choose the sentence with correct punctuations.
A. new delhi is the capital of India.
B. New Delhi is the capital of india.
C. New delhi is the capital of India.
D. New Delhi is the capital of India.

Question 5

Which of the following is a correct sentence?
A. Tomorrow I played chess.
B. Tomorrow I play chess.
C. Tomorrow I will play chess.
D. Tomorrow I will played chess.