Learn Class 2 General Knowledge - Maths Fun

Maths Fun Sample Questions for Class 2

Question 1

Which month gets an extra day after every four years?
A. February
B. August
C. December
D. March

Question 2

Weight of an apple is shown in the figure. What will be weight of 10 such apples?
A. 100 g
B. 1 kg
C. 10 kg
D. 10 g

Question 3

Ruhi has ₹50, she gave ₹15 to her brother and ₹10 to her sister. How much amount will Ruhi have if her mother gives her more ₹50?
A. ₹50
B. ₹25
C. ₹75
D. ₹100

Question 4

If ■ = □□, □ = ○○○, Then ■■ = how many ○?
A. ○○○○○○
B. ○○○○○○○○
C. ○○○○○○○○○
D. ○○○○○○○○○○○○

Question 5

I am a 2 digits number. I am divisible by 2 . Sum of my digits is 12. Which number am I?
A. 48
B. 39
C. 57
D. 64