Learn Class 5 Science - Matter and Materials

Material is everywhere we look. For example, a textile is a material such as metal, wood, plastic, glass, or fabric from which something is made or constructed. The material consists of matter, a physical substance that occupies space and weighs something.

Physical Properties of Matter

A matter's properties are the qualities and features that distinguish one sample from another.

  • Look - When you recognize anything, you typically pay attention to its size, shape, location, and feature.
  • Feel - Take an iron rod, a piece of paper, and a plastic bag in your hand. What do you notice? Do they feel differently? They do. Objects made from different materials feel differently.
  • Smell - Are they all the same smell as hair oil, cooking oil, and kerosene? No, these all have a unique scent that helps to differentiate them.
  • Taste - Each material tastes differently, such as sugar tastes sweet, salt tastes salty, and lemon tastes sour. If we taste anything, we should be cautious because it may be poisonous.

What are the elements of matter?

Molecular particles make up matter. The molecule is a group of atoms bonded together, each so small that only the human eye can see it. Each substance's molecules differ from the other.

Three states of matter

There are three main types of matter: solids, liquids, and gases.

  • Solid - Solids retain shape and volume, e.g., tin boxes, buildings, stones.
  • Liquid - Liquids are materials that cannot hold their shape. The particles in the liquid matter are loosely packed. Liquids shape themselves to fit the shape of containers. Particles in a liquid are free to move about, but they are packed tightly enough to maintain volume. The liquid can pour as it can flow and take the form of the container. It requires space, weight, and a defined volume of its own.
  • Gas - Gaseous matter comprises loosely packed particles, which cannot take on any shape or volume and fill a large portion of the earth's atmosphere. Gas can flow and expand to fill any space available to it. When a gas is compressed, molecules huddle together, forming a liquid. It's not very hard for gas to become liquid.

Matter and Materials Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

Which one is not the layer of the Earth ?
A. crust
B. mantle
C. core
D. humus

Question 2

Which one is not a n igneous rock ?
A. marble
B. granite
C. obsidian
D. pumice

Question 3

Which one is not a sedimentary rock ?
A. sandstone
B. shale
C. limestone
D. pumice

Question 4

Which one is not a metamorphic rock ?
A. slate
B. granite
C. marble
D. quartzite

Question 5

Which one is not a metallic mineral ?
A. Iron
B. copper
C. petroleum
D. aluminium