Learn Class 5 Science - Natural Resources and Indian Heritage

Natural Resources

The elements which are naturally present on the Earth without any external effort by human beings are called natural resources.

Renewable Resources

The resources that never get exhausted are called renewable resources. They get renewed every time they undergo exhaustion. A few examples of natural resources include animals and water.

Non-renewable Resources

The resources which we can never renew upon exhaustion are called non-renewable resources. A few examples of non-renewable resources include coal and petroleum.

Biotic Resources

All living things on the Earth are known as biotic resources. A few examples include plants and animals.

Abiotic Resources

All non-living things on the planet are known as abiotic resources. A few examples include Soil and air.

Indian heritage

The city of Ahmedabad is known as the heritage city in India. There are two types of Indian heritage.

Natural Heritage

Forests, rivers, and animals come under this. India has seven natural heritages. Sundarban national park, Western Ghats, Great Himalayan national park are a few examples of natural heritages in India.

Cultural Heritage

Temples and paintings come under this. India has 32 cultural heritages. Wall paintings in Ajanta caves, the Taj Mahal are a few examples of cultural heritages in India.

Natural Resources and Indian Heritage Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

this is not a natural resouce
A. air
B. water
C. forests
D. bonsai

Question 2

To increase air pollution
A. we should get pollution check of our vehicles
B. We should use public transport
C. use a hybrid car
D. we should use individual vehicles

Question 3

Potable water available on the Earth is
A. 97.5%
B. 50%
C. 2.5%
D. 60%

Question 4

Which is not a fossil fuel
A. coal
B. oil
C. natural gas
D. helium gas

Question 5

Which one of the these is non-degradable ?
A. vegetable peel
B. dry leaves
C. animal waste
D. polythene