Learn Class 3 English - Singular-Plural and One Word Substitution

Singular Plural

A noun is said to be singular (or in the singular number) if it refers to one person or thing.

A noun is said to be plural (or in the plural number) if it refers to more than one person or thing.

The nouns girl, doll, bus, knife, baby, photo are singular.

The nouns girls, dolls, buses, knives, babies, photos are plural.

Given below are few rules that we have to observe while changing nouns from

  • In most cases we add -s to the singular form to make plurals.

    e.g. book books, boy boys.

  • Nouns ending in a hissing sound, i.e. nouns ending in -s, -ss, sh, -ch and -x, we add -es to the singular form.

    e.g. gas gases, class classes, bush bushes, bench benches, fox foxes etc.

  • Nouns ending in –o, if they have a consonant before them generally, we add –es to to the singular form.

    e.g. mango mangoes, tomato tomatoes etc.

  • Nouns ending in –f and –fe form their plurals by changing the –f or –fe into –ves

    e.g. calf calves, life lives, wolf wolves etc.

  • If a noun ends with a –y and the –y has a consonant before it, its plural is formed by changing the –y into –ies

    e.g. army armies, baby babies, story stories etc.

  • A few nouns form their plurals by a change of the inside vowel as :

    e.g. foot feet, goose geese, woman women etc.

List of One Word Substitutions

One word can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.

Phrase One Word Substitution
A place where prisoners are kept Jail
The area over which an official has control Jurisdiction
Anything which relates to young and youth Juvenile
An animal of Australia with great leaping power Kangaroo
To carry away a person forcibly Kidnap
A school for small children Kindergarten
An abnormal desire to steal Kleptomania
That which is lawful Legal
One who knows many languages Linguist
A kind of winged insect migrating in swarms and consuming vegetation. Locust
The science of reasoning Logic
A continuous talker Loquacious
Eclipse of Moon Lunar
The first speech made by a person, an unmarried woman Maiden
Animals which give milk Mammals
Handwritten book Manuscript
A person who died for the sake of his country Martyr
The tendency to derive sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliation Masochism
One for whom money is the most important thing Materialistic
A cinema show which is held in the afternoon Matinee
Morning prayer in Church Matins
Killing of one’s own mother; killer of one’s own mother Matricide

Learning Videos for 3rd Grade English - Singular-Plural and One Word Substitution

Singular-Plural and One Word Substitution Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

What is the meaning of the word 'Logic'.
A. A continuous talker
B. Animals which give milk
C. The science of reasoning
D. That which is lawful

Question 2

What is the one word substitution for the phrase 'Handwritten book'.
A. Jail
B. Materialistic
C. Juvenile
D. Manuscript

Question 3

What is the one word substitution for the phrase 'A cinema show which is held in the afternoon'.
A. Locust
B. Masochism
C. Kleptomania
D. Matinee

Question 4

What is the meaning of the word 'Jurisdiction'.
A. A place where prisoners are kept
B. One who knows many languages
C. The area over which an official has control
D. Eclipse of Moon

Question 5

What is the meaning of the word 'Legal'.
A. Anything which relates to young and youth
B. An abnormal desire to steal
C. That which is lawful
D. A place where prisoners are kept