Learn Class 3 English - Tenses - Simple Present and Past

Simple Present Tense

The affirmative form of the simple present:


  • Nancy and James speak good German.
  • Nancy works in a restaurant downtown.
  • The children play in the garden every weekend.

The interrogative form of the simple present:


  • Do you speak good German?
  • Does Nancy work in a restaurant downtown?

The negative form of the simple present:


  • No, I don't speak German.
  • No, she doesn't work in a restaurant downtown

The use of the simple present:

The simple present is used:

  • to give your opinion - I like ice cream. I don't like spicy food.
  • to talk about schedules - The library opens at eight. It doesn't open at 7.
  • to talk about daily habits (routine actions)- Sara eats a cheese for breakfast every day. She doesn't eat cereal.
  • to give facts - The earth circles the sun. The moon doesn't circle the sun.

The spelling of the third person singular form of the simple present:

All the verbs take an "s" in the simple present when conjugated in the third person singular (he, she, it) form:


  • I visit my parents every summer holiday. But my wife visits her parents every weekend.
  • My brother meets his girlfriend everyday.

Simple Past Tense

We use the simple past tense to talk about things that happened in the past.


  • The children visited the zoo last week.
  • The plane landed a few minutes ago.
  • Jerry dried his clothes in the sun.

For most verbs, the simple past tense is created by adding a d, ed or ied at the end of the word. These are called regular verbs. There are also irregular verbs which do not follow this pattern.

Learning Videos for 3rd Grade English - Tenses - Simple Present and Past

Tenses - Simple Present and Past Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of tense : The cocks----------------------.
A. crow
B. crows
C. crowing
D. had crow

Question 2

Aditi and Rohan --------------- their teachers.
A. obey
B. obeys
C. does obey
D. obeying

Question 3

Karna -------------fruits after meals.
A. take
B. taking
C. takes
D. taken

Question 4

The farmers of this region ------------wheat.
A. grow
B. grows
C. growing
D. grown

Question 5

Mrs and Mr Bansal always ------------------us to their parties.
A. invite
B. invites
C. invited
D. inviting