Learn Class 3 English - Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: Words having similar meaning.

Antonyms: Word having opposite meaning.


Word Synonyms
Aid Help, relief, support
Brave Courageous, intrepid, impudent
Clever Able, skillful, intelligent
Courage Boldness, valour, bravery
Deliver Relieve, rescue, discharge
Destroy Demolish, ruin, raze
Dull Stupid, blunt, boring
Ecstasy Joy, bliss, enthusiasm
Gift Present, donation, contribution
Ideal Model, perfect, example
Junk Rubbish, waste, refuse


Word Antonyms
Agree Disagree
Arrive Depart
Brave Coward
Belief Disbelief
Cruel Kind
Dry Wet
Evil Good
Foolish Wise
Famous Ordinary
Faithful Unfaithful
Fair Unfair
Fresh Stale
Alone Together
Big Small
Before After
Cool Hot
Clean Dirty
Dull Interesting
Few Many
Follow Lead
Forget Remember
Fat Thin
Far Near
Gain Loss

Learning Videos for 3rd Grade English - Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

What is the antonym of the word 'Unfaithful'.
A. Gain
B. Faithful
C. Brave
D. Follow

Question 2

What is the antonym of the word 'Clean'.
A. Stale
B. Thin
C. Dirty
D. Remember

Question 3

What is the antonym of the word 'Dirty'.
A. Arrive
B. Faithful
C. Clean
D. Alone

Question 4

What is the antonym of the word 'Many'.
A. Brave
B. Far
C. Dry
D. Few

Question 5

What is the antonym of the word 'Lead'.
A. Far
B. Fresh
C. Follow
D. Cruel