Learn Class 4 General Knowledge - Environment and its Conservation

The term environment refers to the world where we live and spend our lives. Our environment consists of many living and non-living things, making the environment a living place.

In our environment, many plants and animals give us the material for our livelihood.

Healthy & clean environment

We live in a place that gives us many things for our survival. LIKE oxygen, shelter, and food.

So, it is our duty that keeps this environment smooth and clean. A clean environment will give us many things and give us a chance to live life better.

  • Hygiene is a must for our healthy life. It helps in preventing various diseases.
  • We also have to maintain proper sanitation by improving the health of our environment.

Three R’s

For a better environment, we consider the three R i.e.

1. Reduce:

  • For a better environment, we must not waste any resources.
  • Resources are the main things that can make and harm an environment.

2. Recycle:

  • We all know the technique of recycling waste material.
  • Because when we do the recycling of the waste material, it gets converted into a new useful product.

3. Reuse:

  • The term 'reuse' means when we use the same product again.
  • We can donate the things to needy people instead of throwing them away.
  • We can also use plastic bags to bring our home materials.

Environment and its Conservation Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

Rohan is suffering from jaundice. What could be the possible reason for this ?
A. He played in polluted soil.
B. He drank polluted water.
C. He breathed polluted air.
D. All of these

Question 2

Runoff water from nearby crop fields enters a small lake. How will it affect the lake ?
A. it will cause the lake of dry up.
B. It will cause algae to grow in the lake.
C. It will cause water in the lake to become solid.
D. None of these

Question 3

By which of the following ways can we reuse water ?
A. Use water that is drained out from the washing machine to wash the vegetables.
B. Use water collected from rain to cook.
C. Collect water from leaking taps to water plants.
D. Both (A) and (B)

Question 4

Which of the things listed below are non-biodegradable ? (i) Paper (ii) Plastic toys (iii) Gold necklace (iv) Roasted apple (v) Credit card (vi) Ceramic bowls
A. (i) and (ii)
B. (iii) and (v)
C. (ii), (iii), (v) and (vi)
D. (i), (iv) and(vi)

Question 5

Select the INCORRECT match from the following. Cause of soil erosion Mathods of soil conservation
A. Running water carries the topsoil with it ------------------> Embankments
B. Strong winds blow away humus-rich topsoil --------------> Wind breaks
C. Indiscriminate felling to trees ------------------->Afforestation
D. None of these