Learn Class 4 General Knowledge - Plants and Animals

Plants and animals are part of the environment. That gives us a lot of material which helps us in living. We can get food items from plants, and from animals, like cows and buffalo, we can collect the milk.

Life of plants

On the earth, plants play a vital role, as it helps in giving us oxygen & food. We can see the plants at every place, and they can grow anywhere at any place.

  • Under the sea.
  • In the deserts.
  • On mountains
  • On land

When we sow the seeds in the soil, the plant grows low. And they can turn into a big size with the proper sand, water, and sunlight from the environment.

Plants parts

Plants are made up of many parts.

  • Seed
  • Root
  • Taproots
  • Fibrous roots
  • Stem
  • Leaves


We can see animals everywhere. With these animals, many clothes are there which we wear in our life.

  • All the animals from each other in their size.
  • And animals have different types of skin.

The amazing pattern of animals

Many animals are there which have different types of patterns on their body.

  • For eg: Zebra, Leopard, squirrel, and deer.

Animals are very helpful to humans. We can gain food, cloth items, and services from different animals.

Plants and Animals Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

Which of the following makes bread fluffy ?
A. Viruses
B. Fungi
C. Protozoa
D. None of these

Question 2

A camel can survive for days without food and water in the desert because it stores fat in its hump. This is an example of ----------------.
A. Conservation
B. Adaptation
C. Deforestation
D. Hibernation

Question 3

Many animal like bears sleep through the winter. What is this sleep called ?
A. Nap
B. Rest
C. Hibernetion
D. Aestivation

Question 4

Which of the following is true for carnivorous animals ?
A. They have big grinding teeth only.
B. They have sharp, well developed tearing teeth.
C. They have pointed biting teeth only.
D. They have well developed grinding and biting teeth .

Question 5

Which of the following is true for carnivorous animals ?
A. They have big grinding teeth only.
B. They have sharp, well developed tearing teeth.
C. They have pointed biting teeth only.
D. They have well developed grinding and biting teeth .