Learn Class 4 General Knowledge - Science and Technology

Science & technology play a vital role in the present time. We can play games and use the network availability due to technology.

Meaning of Science

The term 'science' stands for the systematic study of behaviour with the help of many experiments.

  • The term science also includes the observations along with the experiments.
  • Science does the studies of human civilization.

Meaning of Technology

The term 'technology' refers to skills, knowledge, and art.

  • Technology helps us in many ways. Like it helps in the better making of the products.
  • And technology also helps us to get knowledge.

Relationship between science & technology

Both science and technology are related to each other as they help each other. We can say that without science, there is no technology. And without technology, there is no science.

1. Science to technology:

  • Science helps in the development of the skills of humans.
  • Science also helps in the better development of the projects.
  • LIKE: bridge, building, etc.

2. Technology to Science:

  • Technology is considered a source of scientific challenges.
  • Measurement & instrumentation techniques.

With the help of scientific technology, we can make new things. And it also helps in the maintenance of the technology. One can also make many discoveries with the help of science.

Science and Technology Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

This German geologist said that the Earth was once covered by a super-continent and a super-ocean. The gigantic landmass broke up and drifted away to create the continents that we known today. His theory is known as the 'Theory of Continental Drift'. Who was this scientist ?
A. Sigmund Freud
B. Albert Einstein
C. Otto Hahn
D. Alfred Wegener

Question 2

Many inventors invented light bulbs, but it was him who invented an incandescent bulb that could burn for a long time. He was also the first inventor to be awarded a patent for this invention. Identify him.
A. Samual Morse
B. Alexander Graham Bell
C. Thomas Alva Edison
D. John Logie Baird

Question 3

He was a mathematician and physicist. The idea of gravity came to him when an apple fell on his head while sitting under an apple tree. Who was this famous scientist ?
A. Carl Edward Sagan
B. Sir Isaac Newton
C. Charles Darwin
D. Albert Einstein

Question 4

These brothers became the inventors of the world's first successful aeroplane when they took off an a very short flight from Kitty Hawk, USA, in 1903. Who were they ?
A. Alfred Wallace
B. Wilbur and Orville Wright
C. Lamarck
D. None of these

Question 5

In 20th century, who developed the first apparatus for long distance radio communication ?
A. James Clerk Maxwell
B. Guglielmo Morconi
C. Douglas Engelbart
D. Thomas Alva Edison