Learn Class 4 General Knowledge - Our Body and Health

Our body is made of many parts, and such parts of the body help us do the different types of functions. With the proper functioning of all these body parts, we can live a healthy life. So, we have to eat healthy food that gets digested early.

Body parts

Many body parts are in our body that perform several tasks.

1. Respiratory system:

Oxygen is the main part of our body that will help us circulate the oxygen in our body. Our respiratory body parts are:

  • Nose
  • Mouth

2. Digestive system:

The digestive system helps our body digest food. To live a healthy life, it is a must that we eat green vegetables. And take our food at the proper timings.

  • The digestive system does the digestion process of food.
  • It helps in giving nutrition to the body.
  • And with the proper digestive system, we remain fit and fine.

3. Immune system:

Our immune system must be well because the immune system helps us protect against various diseases.

4. Nervous system:

The nervous system of our body contains many parts. It helps in doing the functioning of our body with the togetherness of these parts. Parts of the nervous system are:

  • Brain
  • Spinal cord
  • Nervs

Our Body and Health Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

The food pipe transports food from the mouth to the stomach. What is the other name for the food pipe ?
A. Duodenum
B. Appendix
C. Oesophagus
D. Anus

Question 2

The food pipe transports food from the mouth to the stomach. What is the other name for the food pipe ?
A. Duodenum
B. Appendix
C. Oesophagus
D. Anus

Question 3

Select the INCORRECT match from the following pairs.
A. Paediatrician - Treats adult only
B. Dentist - Takes care of our teeth
C. Orthopedist - Take care of our bones
D. Ophthalmologist - Takes care of our eyes

Question 4

Which of these can be eaten raw, after washing ?
A. Brinjal
B. Potato
C. Pumpkin
D. Carrot

Question 5

The germs form a yellow sticky layer on our teeth when not cleaned properly and harm them. What is this layer called ?
A. Enamel
B. Plaque
C. Dentine
D. Floss