Learn Class 4 General Knowledge - India and the World

We are living in the country India. India is the seventh-largest country with 3200 km from North-South and 2900 km from East-West.

India's location

  • India is a country that is rounded with the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea.
  • China & Bhutan are present in the North.
  • The country Pakistan & Afghanistan presents in the North-West.
  • Srilanka is in the South.
  • Myanmar & Bangladesh are in the East.


  • The Himalayas are in the North part of India.
  • And the topmost peak, i.e., Mt Everest, is situated here.


  • The plains are present in the Northern parts of India.
  • And all the rivers pass from here. The river's names are Ganga, Brahmaputra & Indus.


  • The dry and sandy part, i.e., deserts, are located in the western part of India.

Peninsular Plateau Region

  • The region is present in a triangular shape.
  • Plateau names are Malwa region, chota nagpur plateau, and Decaan plateau.
  • One of the richest plateaus in minerals is the Chota Nagpur plateau.


  • The main islands are the Lakshadweep islands, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

States & UTs

  • Total states are 28 in India.
  • And 7 Union Territories.
  • Delhi is the capital city of India.

India and the World Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

The famous statue 'Christ the Redeemer' is located in which country ?
A. Brazil
B. London
C. France
D. Italy

Question 2

National symbols of Japan are the symbols that are used in Japan to represent what is unique about the nation. Which of the following is NOT a national symbol of Japan ?
A. Cherry blossom tree
B. Great purple emperor butterfly
C. Manchurian
D. Green pheasant

Question 3

Which is the longest river bridge of India ?
A. Mahatma Gandhi setu
B. Howrah bridge
C. Dhola-Sadiya bridge
D. Bandra-worli sea link

Question 4

Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at -----------------.
A. Bodh Gaya
B. Nalanda
C. Sarnath
D. Kushinagar

Question 5

What is the currency of kenya ?
A. Shilling
B. Dollar
C. Ruble
D. Euro