Learn Class 3 General Knowledge - Earth and Its Environment

Earth is the only planet where life exists in the solar system because of a unique collection of resources that enable human survival. It is a significant element of the environment.

Our discussion will focus on Earth along with its components.


Located about 3 billion miles from the Sun, the Earth is made up of three layers - the crust, the mantle, and the core. It is at the centre of the solar system.

Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon dioxide are just some of the gases present in the air.

Components of Earth

The Earth is one combined system. However, it can be classified into four main components:

  • Air
  • Land
  • Water
  • Living things

All these things on the Earth create an environment.


Things that are in our physical surroundings are called the environment. All the organisms, including plants, human beings, animals. It includes everything, i.e., vegetation, water, soil, microorganisms, soils, atmosphere, etc.

Everything in our surroundings, living or nonliving, creates the environment.


The things which exist in the environment are categorised into two components:

  • Abiotic Components
  • Biotic Components

Non-living things exist in the environment, called Abiotic Components. It includes soil, air, rocks, water, etc.

Earth and Its Environment Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

Which layer of atmosphere saves us from harmful ultraviolet rays from Sun?
A. Ozone
B. Oxygen
C. Carbondioxide
D. Nitrogen

Question 2

Which gas from atmosphere is used by plants to prepare proteins?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbondioxide
D. Ozone

Question 3

Which gas is found in abundance in Earth's crust?
A. Nitrogen
B. Carbondioxide
C. Oxygen
D. Sulphur dioxide

Question 4

Atmosphere is made up of 78% of ______ gas.
A. Oxygen
B. Carbondioxide
C. Argon
D. Nitrogen

Question 5

Which of the following can be recycled?
A. Plastic bowl
B. Glass jar
C. Newspaper
D. All of the above