Learn Class 3 General Knowledge - Science and Technology

Students in class 3 study Science and Technology, which covers various subjects of science. The schools prescribe the same subjects. Today, science and technology play a crucial role in all areas of our lives. Our everyday lives rely heavily on new discoveries and new technologies.

What is science?

Basically, science is any system of information regarding the physical world and related phenomena that involves impartial observation and systematic analysis. In general, science aims to establish common knowledge facts or apply laws that are fundamental to nature.

Under the category of science, you will find the following topics:

  • Living and nonliving
  • Plants and animals
  • Our body
  • House
  • Safety and first aid
  • Our environment and our universe
  • Energy, work, and energy
  • Light and sound
  • Subject
  • Transport and Communication

What is technology?

We are living in the age of technology, and we are all familiar with it. Technology is taking over our lives, making it harder and harder to live without it. Learning about technology will be just as rewarding.

Science and Technology Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

Which of the following represent outer planets ?
A. Planets between Earth and Urenus
B. Planets in gaseous state
C. Planets without satellites
D. Asteroids

Question 2

The Earth is a ----------------------
A. Planet
B. Comet
C. Star
D. Satellite

Question 3

The American space mission Apollo XI was the successful mission to the Moon. Its landing craft, the Eagle, touched down on the moon's surface on 20th July, 1969. Who was the first human being to step on its surface ?
A. Edwin Aldrin
B. Neil Armstrong
C. James Lovell
D. Roger Chaffee

Question 4

What is energy captured form the Sun's rays called ?
A. Solar power
B. Nuclear power
C. Wind power
D. Hydro-electric power

Question 5

Some of the garbage we throw, rots and gets mixed with the soil. Such garbage is called bio-degradable waste. This kind of waste does not cause pollution. Which of the following is bio-degradable ?
A. Polythene bag
B. Old tyre
C. Plastic mug
D. Banana peel