Learn Class 3 General Knowledge - India and the World

India is a country rich in tradition and culture for which it is honoured around the world. This country believes in the principle of "Unity in Diversity". With a long history and ancient civilisation, India has made progress in many areas such as agriculture, technology, industry, education, and economic development.

In this lesson, students of Class 3 will explore India and the World.

About India

Every year, we celebrate India's independence day on 15 August, the day we gained independence in 1947. India has a large diversity of cultures, traditions, food, and languages. Many rivers flow through the area; the Brahmaputra, Cauvery, Ganga, Godavari, Krishna, Narmada, Sutlej, and Yamuna are among them. Kanchenjunga is the highest peak in India.

India and the World

  • India is a country located in southeastern Asia.
  • India has 29 States, seven Union Territories, and one sea channel that separates it from Sri Lanka. It shares its land boundary with eight other countries.
  • South Asia lies between New Delhi and it, making it the centre of the world.
  • India's ocean is the third-largest in the world. It has the Arabian Sea on the west and the Indian Ocean on the south; the Bay of Bengal lies on the east.

India and the World Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

Mt. Everest, the highest peak in the world is located in -------------
A. Pakistan
B. Bangladesh
C. India
D. Nepal

Question 2

This famous statue greets all visitors to New Yoeurk and was gifted by France to the USA. Name the stat
A. Bamiyan Buddha
B. Colossus of Rhodes
C. Status of Liberty
D. Statue of Gomateshware

Question 3

This type of landform is surrounded by water on all sides. Sri Lanka is an example of this landform. Name it.
A. Peninsula
B. Mountain
C. Plateau
D. Island

Question 4

It is the largest non-polar desert in the world. It stretched across most nations of Northern Africa. There is very little rainfall here. Very few plants grow miles apart in this sandy landscape. What is this desert called ?`
A. Thar
B. Atacama
C. Gobi
D. Sahara

Question 5

Which of the following is the traditional dress of Japan ?
A. Chut thai
B. Kimono
C. Mekhela Chador
D. Gurdam