Learn Class 3 General Knowledge - Maths Fun

Conducting maths Fun activities helps students develop their math skills and their calculation abilities.

Among the activities you can do are:

Name Me A Penny!

If you put numbers in place of alphabets, how valuable will your name be? Find out.

You have to calculate the value of the name by adding the individual value of the letters in their name. To try others, you can tell students to find the values for their favourite character, class theme words, or whichever they want.

Double It!

  • To increase the number sense abilities and understanding numbers:
  • Tell a number to students, and they will double it.
  • Then, you'll tell a number, and they will tell the double of the number with 5 in addition.
  • Similarly, they'll double the number and tell with 7 in subtraction.

Maze Fun!

  • Some children love to have fun with numbers and solving puzzles.
  • You have to make a simple maze pattern, start with a simple question (ex 3+3 = ), and place the 3 different answers on different ends.
  • Ask the child to go for the correct answer.

Guessing the Unit!

  • Tell your students the distance from their home to school, and they'll tell the unit. (Like cm, m, km, kg, gram, etc.)
  • Similarly, you can ask them for the weight of rice or any other object.

Maths Fun Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

Read the following passage and answer the question . 3,648 people visited the book fair on the first day. It rained on the second day so 1,754 less people went to the fair on the second day, as compared with the first day. On the third day 2,475 people more than those who visited on the second day, went to the book fair. How many people visited the book fair on the second day
A. 2856
B. 1894
C. 3478
D. 1544

Question 2

Read the following passage and answer the question . 3,648 people visited the book fair on the first day. It rained on the second day so 1,754 less people went to the fair on the second day, as compared with the first day. On the third day 2,475 people more than those who visited on the second day, went to the book fair. How many people visited the book fair on the third day ?
A. 3779
B. 5965
C. 4369
D. 1894

Question 3

Read the following passage and answer the question . 3,648 people visited the book fair on the first day. It rained on the second day so 1,754 less people went to the fair on the second day, as compared with the first day. On the third day 2,475 people more than those who visited on the second day, went to the book fair. On which day did the maximum number of people visit the book fair ?
A. The first day
B. The second day
C. The third day
D. Equal number of people visited on the first and third days.

Question 4

Which would weight closest to 800 kg ?
A. Feather
B. Ball
C. Cow
D. None of these

Question 5

A basketball court is 20 metres long and 10 metres wide. What is the total sum of its sides ?
A. 30 metres
B. 50 metres
C. 60 metres
D. 200 metres