Learn Class 3 General Knowledge - Life Skills(Moral Values, Team Work, Environmental Sensitivity, Communication, Leadership, Time Management)

"Life skills" refer to the abilities you need to live a well-mannered existence. Therefore, any skill that is of use to your daily life would be considered a life skill.

In other words, Skills needed to do well and deal effectively with life challenges will be termed life skills.

To learn how to behave politely to elders, eating manners, managing time for study and playing, budgeting money, maintaining their health, and keeping themselves clean are essential life skills a child must know.

Essential Life Skills

Although there is no specified list of skills a child is expected to learn, there are some basic skills they should know, such as:

  • Good decision making
  • Health and hygiene
  • Time management
  • Saving money
  • Cleaning
  • Comparison shopping
  • Ordering in restaurants
  • Getting ready
  • Maintenance around the house
  • Study skills
  • Communication Skills

From choosing which food to eat or clothes to wear, children should learn these skills from the beginning so that, when a child will reach school age they can begin to learn about rewards of making good decisions and consequences for making the bad decision.

Learning basic life skills helps students become confident and interactive, which are valuable for the rest of their lives.

Life Skills(Moral Values, Team Work, Environmental Sensitivity, Communication, Leadership, Time Management) Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

We must follow certain safety rules at home, in the play ground, on the road etc. Which of the following is NOT a safety rule to be followed at home ?
A. Do not play with gas lighters and match boxes
B. Keep your toys in the cupboard.
C. Dry your hands before touching electrical devices and switches.
D. None of these

Question 2

We should -------------------offer our seat to an elderly person in the bus.
A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Always
D. None of these

Question 3

You are going to the market with your mother. In the market, you find an injured puppy. What will you do ?
A. Throw stones at it.
B. Tell the shopkeeper uncle to feed the puppy.
C. Ignore the puppy
D. Ask your mother to take the puppy to the hospital.

Question 4

Riya gets late for school every day. She should
A. Wake up as soon as the morning alarm ring
B. Sleep very late in the night
C. Blame the school bus driver
D. Blame her parents.

Question 5

Which of the following is NOT a healthy habit ?
A. Samaira takes stairs, instead of the lift, to reach her apartment.
B. Ruhi watches television for long hours.
C. Anjali eats a fruit every day.
D. Ishaani takes a healthy breakfast everyday.